The key to successful data-driven marketing campaigns is balance.
Last year, as we were gearing up to 2020, the usual round of predictions for the decade ahead came to the fore. The key prediction for the business world? That if the 2010s was the decade in which we saw the rise of data, the 2020s would be the decade in which companies needed to take data privacy seriously.
Navigating an Onslaught of Privacy Regulation
Certainly there is now a wave of regulation that US companies need to adhere to: from CCPA in California, to Nevada’s Senate Bill 220, to Maine’s privacy law, not to mention to a host of proposed bills from other states including New York, Massachusetts and Maryland.
Not surprisingly, privacy compliance for some businesses must seem like walking through a minefield - they obviously still need to continue to reach out to potential customers for marketing purposes but they also now need to comply with an increasing onslaught of privacy regulation.
Luckily, the privacy compliance burden can be greatly reduced by working with a data agency who knows how to navigate the ever-changing privacy landscape. At Lighthouse List, data privacy is something we take extremely seriously and compliance is always our first and foremost priority.
Finding Balance Between Privacy & Performance
We recognise your need to communicate with your target audience. That’s why for us, the key is to find balance:
We provide consumer and business data at scale, including 240MM consumers & 40MM business contacts.
Our demographic data enables you to target your audience with precision, enabling you to run better performing campaigns. Choose from age, gender, ethnicity, geography, income, marital status, presence of children, homeowner or renter.
We adhere to all local privacy regulations, so you can focus on the things you do best, like running your business.
Our Tips for Running Better Marketing Campaigns
Look for a data provider who can provide you with accuracy and scale.
Ensure the data provider you’re working with is privacy compliant.
Make sure the data you’re using is updated regularly - the older the data, the less accurate it’s likely to be.
Use what targeting options are available to you - if you can segment by demographics, do it! If you can target by keyword, try it! The more targeted you can make your campaigns, the more likely they will succeed.
Whatever your data challenges, at Lighthouse List we’re sure to be able to help. We have over 25 years’ experience helping companies to run data-driven marketing campaigns, making us one of the most reliable data providers in the business.